Here we go again another introduction to another mind-blowing topic, this week I am announcing that today, YES today the 13/03/2021 is my 35th birthday.
So what better time to announce that this year, I will be making my personally long-awaited in-ring debut, against a man that doesn't know his shoulder from his elbow 😈. However unfortunately I wish not to say who that is, when, or whereas I don't think it's right for me to say so yet.
All I will say it's an honour and a privilege to be given the opportunity to do something I've loved since I was a toddler. So on with the topic at hand, yes you read correctly I'm 35 and on some people's minds maybe the question of why now, why not when you were younger? Allow me to explain.
I had children when I was young and people should and will understand that children take a lot of time, care, and effort to make sure they're brought up with the basics of a roof over their heads, food on the table, love, and compassion.
Almost mission accomplished now that they're older, they have a genuinely great attitude towards life so now it's my turn to do something I've always wanted to do and I'm only in my 30s so I've got plenty of time to gain in-ring experience whilst entertaining the masses 😁.
Also whilst I'm on this I want Gen Z's to remember that being a millennial doesn't mean you're old you silly sausages! Anyways I hope you all have a great weekend, stay safe and enjoy!
