Ladies & Gentleman, Dudes & Dudettes, it's once again, another Matt Burns Week on The Burning Truth Blog. I know that I say that it's been quite a busy week regularly each time it's my turn for the Blog but I have to say for the past 2 weeks since my last turn on the blog, my planning schedule has been insanely busy, and well as you most likely can see in the title of this blog I am sure you will most likely know why.
So the 1st week involved me trying to watch all the wrestling that was available to watch for WrestleMania Week, be it from the go-home episode of Raw, Hall of Fame, NXT TakeOver: Stand & Deliver, NXT UK Prelude, or WrestleMania itself, I aimed to watch as much as I possibly could, whenever I could which I will admit did push me to my limits but well it's WrestleMania Week, how could I not and well it had to be done because how could I not as it would allow me plenty of topics to discuss on The Burning Truth with my fellow co-host Jame Irvine.
As some of you may already know (from listening to the most recent episode) that NXT TakeOver: Stand & Deliver was the standout event for WrestleMania Week but also had what I would call a massive favourite to be considered Match of The Year for 2021 in Walter Vs Tommaso Ciampa for the NXT UK Championship on Night 1. Storytelling at its finest but also a brutal contest at the same time.
Now for this week well I been mostly trying to recover from WrestleMania Week but also the recent sudden changes that have recently happened at WWE with wrestlers being released and the many other changes. However I will most likely cover that topic on the next/future episode of The Burning Truth as it's something that I can't understand WWE for at all and quite frankly, it doesn't make sense (Doesn't Make Sense, where's my can of Monster)
Also for this week, I have been working on the usual content, but also on 2 major projects for The Burning Truth that has been a long time coming and also been needing to be completed sooner rather than later. The first project being to update the website, so that it's mobile-friendly, which would make small changes when the website is accessed via a mobile device to streamline it and make it easier to navigate, which I can safely say is completed until any new updates are required.
The second project is something that we have been trying to get arranged for a long time and something that we have stated we would get arranged as soon as possible, which has been Live Game Streaming for TBT Games. I will say this project has taken far longer than expected but it is something that we 100% want to make sure that we do right. So to start it off in the right direction we have been making sure to have the stream display to be correct and all working, while doing a few test streams to make sure that it is all working. It's not where we want it to be yet but we are heading in the right direction. So all that we ask, is that you wait a bit longer for this to be completed and I am more than sure that when it is completed that me jumping out of my skin when playing Five Nights at Freddy's will make up for it and most likely laughing at my expense.
I will of course be giving a shout-out to the Alice, Alice, who the quiz is Alice? Quiz. However, the quiz is no longer online anymore, as it will be done at The Jug in Newcastle-under-Lyme from the beer garden so make sure to follow all the government rules in regards to social distancing. Even though the Quiz is going back to being in the pub, I will continue to support it because it's always a fun quiz and one that has always brought a smile to my face.
Don't forget to tune in tomorrow for the latest episode of The Burning Truth, which of course will be live at its regular scheduled time at 6 pm (UK Standard Time), which of course can be heard from this website and many other broadcasting sources.
With that being said I hope that you all stay well and stay safe.
Be excellent to each other.
It has been emotional, chat with you again soon.